Welcome to the NEW Douglas County Jury Portal
We updated the portal, so it may look different if you've accessed the site previously! Please log in as you normally would and let us know if you have any issues.
This is a restricted site.
To log in, please enter your Juror Number and Password into the "User login" form on the left. Your login instructions would have been received via regular mail from the 7th Judicial District of Douglas County, Kansas.
If you are trying to submit your Juror Questionnaire after you have been locked out of the system, you will need to contact the Jury Coordinator immediately regarding a postponement of their jury service for failure to reply to their summons within seven days in accordance with Kansas law.
Jury News
No Jury Trials scheduled for week of 2/10/2025
There are no jury trials scheduled for the week of February 10th.
The jury service period that began on 2/3/2025 is now complete.
We thank you for your service.